I have been busy working on the
Living Out website, both updating the content that was already there and adding new stuff.
There are three new articles that you may find interesting - two by me and one by my good friend Jo. If you have any comments or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.
- The call to all. In this piece, Jo shares about how she's become more willing to publicly engage with LGBT issues and how that's been a positive experience for her. She calls the church to stand alongside same-sex attracted brothers and sisters in speaking up and winsomely showing how biblical sexuality is life-giving.
- What's good about struggling with same-sex attraction? In this article, I reflect on some of the ways that my struggle with same-sex attraction has helped me grow in my discipleship and experience deeper intimacy with Jesus.
- Should I go to a gay wedding? Here I raise some of the issues and considerations to think through when you have been invited to a gay wedding.