"Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers." - VoltairE

10 of my Favourite Christian Podcasts

September 19, 2022


I love podcasts and listen every day to a whole range of stuff including comedy, culture, science, history, economics and true crime, but I also enjoy Christian podcasts. Here are ten of my favourites which I hope will encourage and inspire you. In no particular order:

  1. In The Lord I Take Refuge: Daily Devotions Through the Psalms with Dane Ortlund
    Topic: Devotional
    Frequency: 152 episodes (ended)
    Run time: 4 mins
    I’ve recently read the corresponding book and found it heart-warming and soul-inspiring. For those who prefer audio, these devotions are superb.

  2. The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast
    Topic: Bible
    Frequency: Daily
    Run time: 10 mins
    Matt Whitman guides listeners though books of the Bible in bite-sized chunks each day. It’s a great way to systematically and regularly explore Scripture.

  3. Kingdom Roots with Scot McKnight
    Topic: New Testament theology and church life
    Frequency: Fortnightly
    Run time: 35 – 40 mins
    New Testament scholar and theologian Scot McKnight explores the context of the New Testament teaching and helps to apply that teaching today.

  4. The Speak Life Podcast
    Topic: Apologetics, evangelism and culture
    Frequency: Weekly
    Run time: 40 – 60 mins
    The team and special guests discuss a whole range of topics from Christian camps, sermon length and Pentecost to the sexual revolution, abortion and Ed Sheeran. It’s all done in a very engaging and winsome way.

  5. BibleProject
    Topic: Bible conversations
    Frequency: Weekly
    Run time: Approx an hour
    From the makers of the excellent Bible Project videos, this podcast comprises dialogue between hosts Tim and Jon on a whole range of biblical topics from justice, literary genres and biblical characters to book explorations and word studies.

  6. Ask NT Wright Anything
    Topic: Interview about theology and pastoral issues
    Frequency: Weekly
    Run time: 20 – 30 mins
    New Testament theologian, prolific author and Bible commentator Tom Wright answers listener questions on topics ranging from atonement and mission to slavery and Bible infallibility.

  7. The Crossway Podcast
    Topic: Interviews on the Bible, theology, church history and Christian life
    Frequency: Weekly
    Run time: Varied but usually 30 – 40 mins
    These fascinating interviews with Crossway authors cover a whole range of topics including Job’s suffering, our culture’s obsession with identity, how to study the Bible, porn, and racial reconciliation. Authors include Sam Allberry, Rebecca Mclaughlin, Tim Chester, Kevin DeYoung and Kristyn Getty. There are even some full audiobooks to enjoy.

  8. Gentle and Lowly: A 14-Day Devotional With Dane Ortlund
    Topic: Devotional
    Frequency: 15 episodes (ended)
    Run time: 5 mins
    I love this book and the accompanying devotional audio is just as encouraging to anxious and discouraged Christians. Each day includes a portion of Scripture and a meditation on a different aspect of the heart of Christ.

  9. PEP Talk
    Topic: Evangelism
    Frequency: Fortnightly
    Run time: 25 mins
    The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast from Solas introduces you to expert guests with inspiration, resources and ideas for sharing your faith. There are some excellent creative ideas and stories of mission. And they’ve even had me on talking about Iranian home-cooking, discussing aliens and giving out donuts in your front garden!

  10. The Good Book Company Podcast
    Topic: Interviews with authors about church, culture and the Christian life
    Frequency: Weekly
    Run time: 60 mins
    This is another worthwhile interview show including authors such as John Lennox, Rachel Jones, Rico Tice and Amy Orr-Ewing. Topics are fascinatingly varied, for example suffering, science, sex, emotions, prayer, miscarriage, leadership, hospitality, and even periods!


How much do we want God?

August 26, 2022

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Hebrews 12: 1 – 2a

I want to have a richly satisfying, intimate relationship with God but at times I haven’t been prepared to put any effort in. I know that I’m saved by grace and that I’m sustained by grace alone and ...

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What physical pain has taught me about spiritual healing

August 23, 2022

There’s a real analogy between emotional pain and physical pain. If there’s something seriously wrong with you physically there’s pain before you have the operation and if you don’t do anything about it it will get worse and worse and make you sicker and sicker. Then you have the operation and you can’t feel it because you’re anaesthetised. And then there’s the pain of recovery. It’s not always easy, but it will get gradually better and better and is leading to healing and who...
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Prayer Walks

September 15, 2021

I admit that I often find it difficult to pray or get stuck in a rut, so I'm always on the look out for creative ideas to mix things up a bit. I've blogged before about creative prayer so you might want to check out those ideas:

I find that moving my body and being away from distractions is really helpful, which is why I'm a fan of prayer walking. It's something you can do on your own or with othe...
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"A Marathon Not a Sprint"

September 15, 2021

This is something I wrote when reflecting on Abby’s health and that of other friends with chronic pain.

Whenever we face some enduring difficulty, someone will invariably say “It’s a marathon not a sprint.” But actually it’s not a marathon either. A marathon is a set number of miles that you know from the beginning. It’s a long way, but it is finite. In a marathon you can pace yourself. In a marathon you know that if things get tough around 22 miles, you’ve got 4 miles to go and ...

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Top Christian YouTube channels: Part 3

March 31, 2021

This is the third in my series of top Christian YouTube channels. You can read the first post here and second post here. As before, they're in no particular order.

  1. Explore God - Designed to help people explore questions they may have about God, such as 'Why does God allow pain and suffering?' and 'Can I know God personally?'
  2. God in Real Life - Reflections on how God can be seen and known in every day life.
  3. Jeff Lowe Psalms Project - Jeff has written tunes for all 150 Psalms and many of the recor...

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A furry lesson in love

March 23, 2021

Five weeks ago we got a cat. For a couple of nights before we collected him, I didn’t sleep very well as various thoughts were going through my mind. What if he’s aggressive? What if he shreds all our furniture? What if he’s sick everywhere? What if he doesn’t like us? What if he stinks?

Toby’s a 9 year old rescue cat with kidney disease and skin problems who was waiting to be adopted for two years without success. As we brought him into our home and got to know him, and he became co...

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Chatting with Jon and Louise

March 11, 2021
This week I had the privilege of virtually visiting Devon through the powers of Zoom and having a chat with Jon and Louise from Crossroad Seaton. I shared some of my story, we talked about how the culture around sexuality has changed, why biblical teaching on sexuality is good news and how churches can help same-sex attracted people to thrive.

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Grandpa's gadgets

March 9, 2021

My Grandpa’s a sucker for a gadget. He’s bought all sorts of things over the years from idiot-proof cameras to slow cookers. He would excitedly unpack his new purchase, have a cursory go with it and then declare it stupid because he couldn’t get it to work and so he’d never use it again. (Sometimes he had a point. We all had a chuckle when an ‘anti-red eye pen’ turned out to be basically a black biro that you scribbled on your photos with.)

But most of the time it was more of a cas...

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Hebrews 10: 23 - 25

March 9, 2021
Our church verses of the year for 2021 are Hebrews 10: 23 - 25

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Here's a short talk I gave about staying faithful to our faithful God, encouraging one another and living in the light of the c...

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