Yesterday I got home from a great team prayer meeting to find that the lounge window had been smashed. It looked very much as though someone had shot it so my first thought was "I wish I had one of those laser things they have in CSI so I can trace the trajectory of the bullet." Then I realised that I live in Gateshead and not Las Vegas, so I carefully examined the crime scene for forensic evidence of avian damage but could find no blood or bird carcass.
Then the reality sank in that it would involve hassle and cost to replace and there's so much else going on at the moment that I could have done without this. It's easy to get despondent when things don't go our way and it can shake our faith and stop us trusting in God. But as I looked at the shattered glass, I was reminded of another window that I used to have sitting on my desk:
My prayer for today is:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference