"If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small." – Pat Morley

How can you be involved?

Since 2014 I have had the privilege of working in full time ministry, sharing my faith with others and seeing God transform lives. In our increasingly secular culture and divided society, the need for mission is huge. I love introducing non-believers to Jesus and helping believers gain confidence in sharing their faith.

But I can't do this work alone. I need people to join me in my mission to share the gospel with young and old, refugees, students and others in the community. When I worked with Agapé, I developed a team of ministry partners who pray for me, support me financially and encourage me to stay faithful to my calling. Many of these wonderful people have continued to support me in my current local mission work which is brilliant!

One of the great things about having a team of supporters who are invested in my ministry is that you get to be part of something amazing and can see the difference your prayers and financial support are making.

Could you join my ministry team? Together we can help fulfil the Great Commission!

Financial support

Could you give regularly, on a monthly basis? I am responsible for finding all the funds for my local ministry and need £1093 / month to cover the cost of living and ministry expenses.

This form of financial support has a good biblical basis - just look at the Levites, Jesus and Paul for examples of this model of ministry in action.

Regular monthly giving via standing order is most helpful for me, but a one-off gift would be wonderful too!

Give online

You can financially support me through the Give.net site which makes it really easy to set up a regular payment or give a one-off donation.

Click here to set up financial support 


Could you pray regularly for me, my work and the people involved? Prayer is essential in everything that we do and it's wonderful to know that people are praying for my ministry, the people I'm sharing my faith with and the wider work of Living Out and Gateshead Central Baptist Church and Kingdom Life Church.

I send a regular newsletter to keep supporters up to date with things that are happening and highlight stuff for prayer. If you'd like to get my newsletter, please click the button. Please let me know your prayer requests too, as I'd love to pray for you.


Could you email, text or visit? Ministry can be tough at times and being reminded of God’s truth and His faithfulness essential! I really value everyone who is partnering me in this Kingdom work. It is a huge blessing to get messages of encouragement and be able to meet up with supporters for food, fellowship and accountability.

It's also great when people are excited about my work and want to tell others, so please do spread the word.

Living Out is registered UK Charity no. 1165572 | The Baptist Union is Charity no. 249635